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Konsulta Popular

Konsulta Popular entrega ba iha Nasoens Unidas nia Misaun iha Timor-Leste (UNAMET), lidera husi Ian Martin. Bainhira to'o ona iha Junhu 1999, UNAMET tau tiha ona staff eleitoral internasional, polisia no ofisiais militar ligasaun nian iha Timor-Leste nia distritus 13 ne'e hotu.

Falintil unilateralmente kontrola tiha sira nia forsas. TNI no milisia sira lae. Violensia lao nafatin no bainhira buka atu hari'i dame la konsege.

Votantes 451, 792 maka regista a'an no 98.6% husi sira ne'e vota iha eleisaun iha 30 de Agostu 1999.

Fo'o sai rezultadu iha 4 de Setembru. 21.5% vota ba'a autonomia espesial ho Indonesia; 78.5% rejeita proposta ne'e.


Consulta Popular

A realização da Consulta Popular foi confiada à Missão das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste (UNAMET), liderada por Ian Martin. Em Junho de 1999, a UNAMET colocou o staff eleitoral, polícia e oficiais de ligação militares nos 13 distritos de Timor-Leste.

As FALINTIL acantonaram unilateralmente as suas forças. As TNI e as milícias não o fizeram. A violência manteve-se e não se conseguiu estabelecer a paz.

Registaram-se 451 792 votantes e 98,6% deles votaram no acto referendário de 30 de Agosto de 1999.

No dia 4 de Setembro anunciaram-se os resultados. 21,5% votaram a favor da autonomia especial na Indonésia: 78,5% rejeitaram a proposta.


Jajak Pendapat

Pelaksanaan Jajak Pendapat dipercayakan kepada United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), yang dikepalai oleh Ian Martin. Sampai Juni 1999, UNAMET telah menempatkan staf pemilihan internasional, polisi, dan perwira penghubung militer di ke-13 distrik di Timor Leste.

Fatintil mengembalikan kekuatannya balik ke daerah masing-masing. Lain halnya dengan TNI dan para milisi. Kekerasan terus berlanjut dan usaha-usaha membangun perdamaian gagal.

Sejumlah 451.792 pemilih terdaftar dan 98.6% diantaranya ikut memilih di hari referendum 30 Agustus 1999.

Hasil Referendum diumumkan pada tanggal 4 September. Sejumlah 21.5% memilih otonomi khusus dengan Indonesia ; 78,5 % menolak usulan tersebut.


Popular Consultation

The conduct of the Popular Consultation was entrusted to the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), led by Ian Martin. By June 1999, UNAMET had placed international electoral staff, police and military liaison officers in all Timor-Leste's 13 districts.

Falintil unilaterally cantoned its forces. TNI and the militias did not. Violence continued and attempts at peace-building failed.

451, 792 voters registered and 98.6% of these voted in the ballot on 30 August 1999 .

The results were announced on 4 September. 21.5% voted in favour of special autonomy within Indonesia ; 78.5% rejected the proposal.


Copyright © Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR)